Many people on the UK are seeking “detox diets” at this time of year when they feel groggy, tired, congested, fed up, sun deprived, and have reached for one too many glasses of wine or cookies over the holidays. They ask what products they should take, what foods to eat and if a liquid diet is the answer to get rid of the yucky feeling and the holiday “bloat.”
Though nutrition is key to a proper detox, what is equally important is whether you are digesting your life or not. Is life nourishing you or eating you alive? Are you satisfied and fulfilled with the life you have created? If the answer is a repeated negative, then perhaps it’s time for deeper type of detox diet.
Advices to start a good spring detox diet
Fresh spring greens such as watercress, baby spinach, and spring onions. Leafy greens contain several crucial nutrients, like pyridoxine, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin, and raw watercress leaves’ digestive enzymes help the body absorb nutrients during digestion. The vitamin K in spinach may contribute to a healthy nervous system and brain function, and spring onions are plentiful in B-complex vitamins as well as essential minerals like copper, iron, manganese, and calcium.